Cleaning Your Jars

Let’s face it— containers are tricky. They offer a wide array of functions and cleaning/ sanitizing can be challenging when you factor in pumps, sprays, narrow openings, etc. We have worked hard to find the best containers for each product we offer, but are always looking for ways to improve.

If you buy pre-packaged products from us and return them for a refund, you do not need to worry about cleaning your containers— we will do that for you. We have an exhaustive cleaning process and work hard to ensure that every container is properly cleaned for reuse.

If you would like to use your own containers, please read through these instructions and consider them carefully.

Contamination is a concern for many when considering container re-use. Our products are plant based and while they do contain preservatives, those preservatives are naturally derived and will only prevent yeast, mold or fungus from growing when contaminants are not present. 

Because of this, it's essential to fill only 100% dry & clean containers, especially when using products for the face and body. When refilling with the same product or topping off, we recommend sanitizing at least twice a year in between refilling to preserve the life of your product.

While we encourage refilling all types of containers, glass and HDPE plastic are best. Glass is non porous and is easiest to sanitize. Some plastics, on the other hand, can hold onto bacteria or mold so sanitizing can be tricky. While we do use some PET plastics (for castile soaps to be used in the shower), we try to avoid them as often as possible.

Instructions for sanitization and container re-use

—Remove all residue from your container with hot water and soap or run through a dishwasher after removing all product residue. HDPE plastic can go in the dishwasher, but only on the top shelf.

—Glass can be sanitized by placing in boiling water for 5 minutes. This is specifically recommended for leave-on skincare and face products. It can also be run through the dishwasher. It’s best to run on the sanitizing/ high temp setting with a high temp dry function. Always remove all residue before running through the dishwasher.

—For plastics, we recommend a final rinse of 70% alcohol to evaporate any excess water.

—Be sure your containers are completely dry before bringing them in for re-fill.


  • Clear pumps and tops of all residue.
  • Rinse with 70% alcohol. For pumps and sprayers, flush all product by pumping hot soap and water through until all product residue is gone. Then pump 70% alcohol and allow to dry thoroughly.